Exclusive Preview: ‘Man Of Veal’ Is Another Entry In MAD’s Long History Of Superman Mockery

MAD Magazine has never been shy about making fun of Superman, and the Usual Gang Of Idiots is at it again, making fun of, what else, Man Of Steel. Spoiler alert: They’re not fans!

Superman’s been getting it good from the Gang for quite a while. In fact, one of the magazine’s first and most influential parodies was Superduperman, which brutally roasted both the conceit that Clark Kent was morally pure and pointed out the lawsuits being flung between National Publications and Fawcett weren’t exactly about high-minded ideals. It turned MAD from a low-selling comic book to one of EC’s most popular publications. The magazine has been turning out pop cultural parodies ever since.

And, of course, it’s turned its skeptical eye to the latest Superman entry in pop culture, Man Of Steel, running in issue #524. MAD has passed along the first two pages, by which I mean their marketing department has implied heavily that there will be …consequences unless I run these pages. They also want me to let you know that you can subscribe to MAD right here, or apparently they will break my legs. So, here’s a look at the first two pages, with both the full spread and the content divided by page.

Now can I have my dog back, guys?

MAD #524 hits the stands October 23rd.