The Internet Responds To Scarlett Johansson’s Nude Photos With Typical Class And Grace

In case you’ve been in a coma (welcome back, now go shave), two nude photos of Scarlett Johansson leaked due to a phone hacking and were posted at Reddit on Wednesday (and no, I’m not linking to them). The FBI has since gotten involved, and sites posting the uncensored pics have understandably been getting DMCA takedown notices from Johansson’s lawyers.
Now that we’ve had about 48 hours to reevaluate everything we once knew in light of the events of September 14th (NEVER FORGET), let’s take a solemn look back on how the internet reacted to this momentous occasion. We’ve pulled together a gallery of reaction photos from Twitter, Reddit, and elsewhere (hat tip to Pleated Jeans for some of these).

I bet they will.