Meme Watch: Nope! Chuck Testa

If you haven’t yet seen the commercial for Chuck Testa’s taxidermy services at Ojai Valley Taxidermy, you need to get it together. The commercial was made by Rhett and Link, who produce viral ads for real local businesses. The Chuck Testa ad included the catch phrase “Nope! Chuck Testa.” which quickly spawned a meme. In an interview with Buzzfeed, Testa said he hadn’t even heard of the word meme until just recently and that he “didn’t even know this kind of thing existed, but I love seeing all the pictures and the positive support from everybody.”
And just to keep some conspiracy theorists out of the comments, Testa has already explained why there’s a Nazi SS Death’s Head symbol on his hat. He posted at the YouTube page for the ad: “I’m part of the California historical group who does WW2 reenactments. I’m part of the US 2nd infantry division and I retrieved the pin in a battle against the 12th SS. I apologize if this offended anyone, hope you can enjoy the video for what it is.” You may think the guy he retrieved the pin from is still alive. Nope. Chuck Testa.