Things are getting quite interesting. Not to be one-upped by Magic’s million-dollar offer to LeBron, pron site plans on putting up a hefty sum if Kobe Bryant enters next year’s NBA Slam Dunk Contest.
“ is offering $5 million to the charity of Kobe Bryant’s choosing for his participation in the 2014 NBA Slam Dunk Contest. However, this offer is conditional. It depends on Lebron James entering the 2014 NBA Slam Dunk Contest with Bryant.
“We at feel it is important for the sport of basketball that Kobe and Lebron face-off in the dunk contest and we want to be part of this historic event. The NBA’s best players used to enter. Jordan versus Dominique had us on the edge of our seats. It would be a shame for these exceptional player to let pride take priority over sportsmanship…”
Real or publicity-driven, much like smut-peddling sites are prone to, the idea sounds great on paper but we all know that Kobe’s a longer shot than even LeBron. The Black Mamba’s not past his prime in terms of in-game dunks but, being the calm, calculated guy he is, Kobe’s not likely to be hamming up, doing blindfolded dunks or jumping over kids. Even though he’s younger, the same probably stands for LeBron.
As someone put to me a few days ago, you don’t hear Jay-Z dropping mixtapes, do you? At this point in their careers, both of these guys are far too far removed from the NBA’s Saturday night festivities, no matter the money offered.
Cred: BSO
Previously – Magic Johnson Wants To Pay LeBron $1 Million To Enter Next Year’s Slam Dunk Contest