First Place Mullet Is Taking The Internet By Storm

Last night lady Redditor SineadNZ posted the above photo saying, “My husband is going to kill me for uploading this.” It’s easy to assume the photo would be a hit — what mullet/tie dyed/trophy/chubby kid combo isn’t? — but I doubt she anticipated it taking the internet by storm the way it has in a matter of hours, holding r/pics hostage and hopefully not backing down till all his demands are met.

Turns out the husband is almost as awesome as the photo and is totally cool with the internet having a gigglefest at his expense. He even provided her with the full backstory to share:

“He won the rocket trophy in a separate rocket building competition, and the toy car on his lap is from the Boy Scouts Pinewood Derby. This was a school picture and he was told to bring along his favorite things. This led to the beautiful combination you see here of the trophy + toy car + Tie-dye shirt.”

First, I’d like to call dibs on First Place Mullet as my new go-to UPROXX photoshop insert. Next, I’ve compiled the best takes and derivatives so far in chronological order. You’re welcome. I will of course add new ones as I come across them or am inspired to create my own. And finally, FPM’s alter ego is wondering if you’d like some sandwiches. Enjoy.

Source: Reddit

That’s a Good Question


1st Place Redditor


They Told Me I Looked Stupid in My Shirt


Randomly Improved Pulp Fiction Cast Photo


His Female Counterpart


Mark 10: 13-16


Jesus Photoshop Fixed


Vigo Is Going to Kill Me for Uploading This
