The Cat Scratch Turntable Is The Must-Have Hipster Cat Assessory Of The Season

When you really stop and think about it, it’s really kind of astounding that this, made by Suck UK, hasn’t been around for a long time.

In the name of completely misunderstanding Schrödinger’s work we introduce our newest cat/box combination, the scratch mat! Cats scratch furniture to mark their territory, exercise their muscles and for sheer pleasure. All similar reasons youths mix music, and if we are to cross over both those cultures we’d rather get cats mixing music than teenage boys bringing bedraggled birds back to your doorstep. The decks come flat packed and fold together into a simple structure with poseable tone arm and a top which spins as your cat paws at it – meaning you can sit and giggle in a ‘LOOK THE CAT IS DOING HUMAN THINGS’ way rather than watch in horror as she shreds your favourite couch into tiny pieces.

I predict that the cat scratch turntable will be the hot holiday gift for hipsters to give to their hipster friends who have cats. Drop some sick beats on the people to get this party started, DJ Kitty…

(HT: Laughing Squid)