Ben Heckendorn, better known as Ben Heck, is a beloved modder and engineer among nerds, mostly for his hobby of cramming game consoles into portable spaces. But in recent years, Heck’s turned his considerable engineering skills towards helping those with only one hand or other problems enjoy things like video games and now, music, with a one-handed guitar.
Heck received the challenge from one Ian Pierce, who’d lost his arm in a railroad accident, and really wanted to play with his band again. Heck, never shying from a challenge, took it on. If you want a detailed video, here’s Heck building the guitar…
But, if you’re pressed for time, here’s how it works. One hand is at the neck, pressing down strings, and the pick is automated by using two pedals to strum the strings. Being a Ben Heck build, it took a lot of work and a 3D printer to make it all come together, but the results are nothing short of amazing. Essentially, it’s a guitar that can be played with one hand, and admittedly some fancy footwork.
The modding community is often pretty goofy, but it’s really moments like this that demonstrate just how important tools like 3D printers and access to them are. It’s not cold fusion, but it restores some quality of life to a guy who got a bad break. Besides, it’s either this or Heck builds a Terminator out of boredom.