Here’s A Strange Mashup Of Rob Ford And The Jean Claude Van Damme Volvo Ad

By now you’re probably well aware that Toronto’s mayor, Rob Ford, has justified the fact that he illegally purchased and smoked crack cocaine because he was drunk, and he has basically been reduced to a powerless punchline, as he is the laughing stock of at least North America and most of the Internet. To say that his story isn’t the most bizarre in politics this year would probably be met with a lot of arguing, and then an endless stream of jokes about smoking crack.

And you’ve also probably seen that crazy Volvo ad that features Jean Claude Van Damme doing a split while standing on the side view mirrors of two trucks that are moving in reverse and slowly pulling apart. So why not combine Ford and Van Damme into one strange video? That’s what the folks at Artjail FX did with #VANFORD, and now you can have Ford stare into your soul for a whole minute.