‘Grand Theft Auto V’ Gets Another Round Of Mythbusters

Grand Theft Auto V is a game with a lot of secrets. And most of those secrets, as this latest episode of GTA Mythbusters demonstrates, are absurdly goofy and yet awesome at the same time.

The video format, just like the last few, is simple: Myth, and then a demonstration of either just how picky the physics engine is, or just how well thought-out some aspects of Grand Theft Auto V are. And the net results are, of course, hilarious.

Personally, I’m looking forward to more videos of weaponized porta potties, because you know there’s going to be that one guy who sees this and finds his life’s true calling; to defeat his enemies with porta potties. Beyond that, we’re also pretty sure everyone will try the car-on-fire trick at least once. Maybe you should help them! With grenades!