Sweet thing of the day: A New York high school named two boys “Cutest Couple”

Dylan Meehan and Brad Taylor were named “Cutest Couple” in their high school yearbook, because… well, because look at them. They are simply adorable, with smiles and hairstyles that belong on the Disney Channel. The pair are seniors at Carmel High School in Carmel, New York, a town about an hour outside of New York City. Not only are these kids the school’s first gay couple to win the coveted Cutest title, but they’re the first same-sex pair to be nominated — which qualifies them as bona fide high school superlative legends.

The photo above, which has been making the rounds today, was first posted by a girl named Chelsea on her personal tumblr. Chelsea, who counts Dylan and Brad (Bylan, as I like to call them) as two of her closest friends, expressed pride over her school and its open-mindedness. The photo quickly garnered thousands of “likes” on tumblr and has now gone totally viral.

HuffPo even got a statement from Bylan, and it’s real sweet: “This whole thing has been a bit surreal for us because we have been raised to believe that love is love. We never realized that our happiness and openness would inspire so many individuals. The support we have received from our family, friends, and even strangers has led us to believe that our affection for each other is normal.”

I hear Ryan Murphy already owns their life rights.