‘World War Z’ sequel moving forward after big $66 million debut

“World War Z” may not be ending anytime soon.

Paramount vice chairman Rob Moore tells The Hollywood Reporter that the studio is officially developing a sequel to the Brad Pitt zombie epic, which outperformed expectations over the weekend by grossing $66 million in North America and over $45 million internationally.

“The great thing about this process [of making and promoting the film] was that it showed what a great partner and producer Brad is,” said Moore. “He made a true commitment.”

Pitt, the star and producer of the Marc Forster-directed book adaptation, made a heavy push for the movie leading up to release, even showing up in person to introduce it at early public screenings. This involvement was especially important given the bad press the film had received during its production phase, which was plagued by cost overruns and extensive reshoots that necessitated the creation of a new denouement.

“[Pitt] stayed and worked when he could have gone off and shot another movie,” said Moore of the star’s commitment to making the film work after the studio expressed disapproval with the original ending.

It’s worth noting that with a reported budget of $190 million (though some claim the final cost was much higher), “World War Z” still has a ways to go before it can be deemed a profitable venture. Much will likely depend on how well the film holds up Stateside in subsequent weekends, as well as on its take internationally. Luckily for the studio, critics have generally been kind, with the film currently holding a 67% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. (You can read Drew’s review here.)

Did you see “World War Z” this weekend? If so, do you think it deserves a sequel? Sound off in the comments.