Karl Urban: ‘Star Trek 3’ should take a more ‘original’ approach than ‘Into Darkness’

If Karl Urban had it his way, the next film in the “Star Trek” franchise would take a more “original” approach than J.J. Abrams’ last installment, “Star Trek Into Darkness.”

“What I really believe we should do now is strive for originality,” he told IGN during an interview about his new FOX sci-fi series “Almost Human.” “Because in ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ we took one of the most revered and loved adversaries of the Enterprise [Khan] and put him in there, and did a story that had all of these wonderful nods to films from the past, and episodes from the past. I really think that what we should do from here, in my personal opinion, is strive to be original. Strive to be something different and new. You know, let’s not forget that ‘Star Trek’ as envisioned was about space exploration. And it would be really wonderful to harness the spirit of that and apply it to the next film, so that we do something different than a revenge-based picture.”

That said, Urban (who played the role of Enterprise Lt. Commander Leonard “Bones” McCoy in both of the previous films) had nothing but high praise for Abrams, telling IGN that the director – who is now attached to helm the next entry in that other venerable science-fiction franchise – would still be his first choice to direct the next “Star Trek” movie. Nevertheless, he noted that whoever takes on the series next will have big shoes to fill.

“J.J. has set the bar so high and he is just a unique filmmaker,” he said. “There’s no doubt about it. That being said, I look forward and welcome a fresh take, a new energy. If anything I think that J.J. is an inspiring individual, he’s an inspiring director and he’s going to push his contemporary to be better than they are. Because they’re going to have to be. So whoever takes on the mantle of the next ‘Star Trek’ is going to do a good job.”

What do you think about Urban’s comments? Sound off below.