13 insane things people built for Burning Man

There are no couches at Burning Man, which is why I could never go to Burning Man. Also, it’s outside, beneath abundant sunshine, filled with loud dance music, yoga, and people who are more open to new experiences than they are massively cynical. I would perish on the first day.

However, despite my personal aversion to the sun and trying new things, the week-long festival in the desert somehow continues to exist, and even thrive. There are currently 70,000 people at Burning Man, you guys! And they have built some truly amazing things. Here are 13 of the most insane constructions, found via Instagram.

1. A metal horse with a real skull, and a carriage he probably won’t be pulling around any time soon. Via @ericasimone.

2. This old-timey car-house-instrument. Via @funkagenda.

3. A big word. I mean, a pretty everyday middle-sized word, but using tall meta. Via @alex_ru.

4. A howlin’ wolf with a one giant internal organ. Via @djlobsterdust.

5. A church that looks like it’s about to murder someone. Via @shabanayas.

6. Alien paraphernalia. Via @shellers45.

7. What do we say, is this one a dragon? Via @jazpereira.

8. This one is definitely a rendering of the mythical winged elephant-bull. Via @loganmirto.

9. A cloud that is maybe made of enormous LEGOs but can still somehow support the weight of two people. Two pre-drug binge humans. Via @itsmusicplayground.

10. This fiery many-faced octopus fella. Via @dartanionlondon.

11. An actual pirate ship. Via @jpfaraco.

12. A temple, within which to pray or escape the sun. Via @ericasimone.

13. A yacht, for pirates. A pirate yacht. Via @theparisianguy.