Best thing: Amy Poehler and Jon Hamm threw an Emmy Losers party

Because there’s no one in the world cooler than Amy Poehler and no one in the world more handsome than Jon Hamm (especially now that he’s coaxed his face into growing the most masculine beard ever), any party the two of them threw together would automatically be the best party. Even if it didn’t happen to be an Emmy Losers party. But guess what? The party Amy and Jon threw at LA’s SoHo House last night WAS an Emmy Losers party, you guys!

The rules? Losers got in free, but anyone arriving with an Emmy statuette in-hand was required to donate $1000 to World Wide Orphans.

Here’s how Jon explained the idea behind the party: “We figured that the winners get celebrated enough so we thought it was about time that the losers get celebrated. And Poehler and I are friends from a long time ago and every year when we would lose the Emmy we would kind of wink at each other and call each other loser for the rest of the night.”

The party raised more than $30,000 for its charity organization, from winners who wanted desperately to hang out with the cool losers and from generous losers who probably paid in coins found underneath their couch cushions.

(via E!)