10 hilarious tweets from comedian Robin McCauley

I’ll be honest with you guys — my heart gives a little flutter every time Robin McCauley’s avatar pops up on my Twitter feed. Because I know whatever she’s written is going to be great. Great, I tell you!

Tweeting as @RobinMcCauley, this lovely lady is always on-point. See for yourself just how funny she is with these 10 jokes.

10.  Let’s pause this conversation until your Transition Lenses catch up.

9. Crazy how “Talk Like A Pirate Day” falls on the same day as “Please For the Love of God Stop Talking Like a Pirate Day”.

8. My friends asked me to go camping so I made of a list of the things I will need: 1. new friends

7. Don’t wear your scrubs to Chipotle if you can’t spare two minutes to check this lump for me.

6. My performance in “I’m so sad I can’t make it to your Christmas Party” is already generating Oscar buzz.

5. Nicki Minaj looks like a kid drew her.

4. SO YOU THINK YOU CAN FLY A PLANE would be a fun show

3. I hate it when I think I’m buying ORGANIC vegetables but when I get home I discover they’re just REGULAR donuts.

2. A woman started choking in the line at Starbucks- it was so scary but thankfully someone opened another register.

1. Could you please put your screaming baby on vibrate.

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