One will often hear the complaint that Hollywood puts out too many sequels and remakes. Whether or not that complaint is true, Variety is reporting news that will, assuredly, provide fodder for that argument – a sequel to “It’s a Wonderful Life” is currently in the works.
Titled “It’s a Wonderful Life: The Rest of the Story,” the movie is being financed by Allen J. Schwalb of Star Partners and the goal is to have it in theaters by the 2015 holiday season. The sequel is also set to star Karolyn Grimes who played Zuzu (the daughter who came from school sick) in the original film. Also in talks for the sequel are Jimmy Hawkins and Carol Coombs who played Tommy and Janie Bailey respectively.
Grimes will now play an angel who has to show George Bailey’s grandson, also named George Bailey, how much better the world would have been without his being born. Of the story, Grimes said “The new film will retain the feeling of the original, and it simply must be shared.” She added, “I”ve probably read close to 20 scripts over the years suggesting a sequel to ‘It”s a Wonderful Life,” but none of them were any good. The script by Bob Farnsworth and Martha Bolton was wonderful, and I wanted to be involved with his version of the film immediately.”
What do you think? Is this just the sort of sequel you’ve been looking for or is it a mistake to touch the classic film?