Decaying ‘Walking Dead’ ads in Berlin target female viewers


To help promote the fourth season of “The Walking Dead,” Fox Germany opted for an approach that”s a bit tongue-in-cheek – or, rather, finger in cheek.

Electronic billboards in select Berlin subway stations advertise what appears to be a makeup remover called “Good Night Cleansing Program,” and show a model demonstrating the product. But as pedestrians walk by, the image changes to reveal a zombie (below), accompanied by information about when and where to watch the hit comic-book adaptation.

The ad was created by German agency Saint Elmo”s, which was inspired by the realization that horror genre is as popular with women as it is with men.

As Creative Managing Director Dennis Pfisterer explained in a statement published by The Hollywood Reporter, “We drastically countered the outdated cliche that all horror fans are male by using a cliched image in the style of a beauty product ad, so that we could appeal above all to female horror fans, alongside male fans, with this concept of a ‘makeup removal program for good TV nights.””

The campaign, which debuted earlier this month, ends Monday, but Fox Germany indicates it could expand beyond Berlin to other major cities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.