Lawrence Kasdan reportedly working on ‘Boba Fett’ spinoff

(CBR) Director J.J. Abrams plans to bring fans back to the far-away galaxy of “Star Wars” as soon as Christmas 2015, but what happens after “Episode VII” hits theaters? What”s the next step for the “Star Wars” franchise?

Disney and Lucasfilm representatives have made no secret of their intentions to pursue “Star Wars” spinoff films, with characters like Han Solo and Yoda rumored as subjects. Another oft-rumored spinoff lead is Boba Fett, the galaxy”s deadliest (and best-dressed) bounty hunter. According to AMC Movie Talk‘s Jon Schnepp, a “Boba Fett” movie isn”t just a rumor; it”s happening.

“One of them is Boba Fett,” Schnepp said. “It is. I know. I know for a fact. I will never reveal my source, but it is the one written by Lawrence Kasdan.”

Kasdan, of course, is co-writer of “The Empire Strikes Back”. Disney hired him last year as part of the new “Star Wars” initiative, and later assigned him to retool the “Episode VII” script alongside Abrams. Could it be that Kasdan is also the brain behind a solo “Boba Fett” film? And if so, will the whole movie take place inside of the Sarlac? Because that would be amazing.

(via Yahoo)