Preview: Survive #1

This March, the Ultimate Universe attempts to rebuild from total devastation at the hands of Galactus. But with every ending there comes a new beginning – and the next stage of the Ultimate Universe starts here! Today, Marvel is pleased to present your first look at SURVIVE #1 from the blockbuster creative team of Brian Michael Bendis and Joe Quinones! Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds descended upon the Ultimate Universe with an insatiable hunger. Though he was defeated by the bravery of a small band of heroes – the cost was devastatingly high. New York City lays a smoldering ruin, and not everyone made it back alive. Many of the Ultimates are dead – and the remaining heroes are all beaten, broken, and emotionally drained. Witness the birth of a new team of Ultimates! Who survived the fury of Galactus? Who didn”t make it out alive? What will become of S.H.I.E.L.D? The future of the Ultimate Universe is happening now! All your questions will be answered this March in SURVIVE #1!