(CBR) Before “Da Vinci”s Demons” returns to Starz for its second season on March 22, the show”s cast visited the CBR Tiki Room high above the show floor at New York Comic Con to tell CBR TV”s Jonah Weiland what fans can expect from the sophomore series.
In the first video interview, stars Tom Riley and Laura Haddock, who play Leonardo da Vinci and Lucrezia Donati, talk about the changing nature of the show, with Season 2 upping the adventure quotient and taking da Vinci to South America while other characters are scattered to other parts of the globe. Haddock talks about exploring Lucrezia”s past in flashback and what it”s like reaching so far back into her character. They also discuss their favorite moments from the first season and whether or not series creator David S. Goyer – recently involved in both “Man of Steel” and the “Dark Knight” trilogy – had any strange visitors on set.
In the second interview, actors Black Ritson, Gregg Chillin and Season 2 newcomer Carolina Guerra talk about the “hazing” Guerra went through as the newcomer to the ensemble, how the second season raises the stakes and makes the first season feel like a prequel. They also discuss some unexpected new alliance between characters and look back on their favorite scenes from Season 1.