Marc Webb wants J. Jonah Jameson in ‘Amazing Spider-Man 3’

(CBR) “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” will feature a large cast of characters including obvious must-haves like Peter Parker, Aunt May and Gwen Stacy along with lesser-known ones like Alistair Smythe. One name has been noticeably absent from Sony”s franchise reboot, however: J. Jonah Jameson.

“I like the idea very much of him coming up in the next film,” director Marc Webb said in a recent Google+ Hangout with fans. “It was more easy to accept a new Spider-Man than someone who could outdo J.K. Simmons in that role. He is so iconic. That”s something we”ve really talked about. Obviously I love that character because he poses such an interesting dilemma for Spider-Man. The answer is … I don”t know, but I think you can expect to see him in the future.”

Simmons” portrayal of J. Jonah Jameson in Sam Raimi”s three Spider-Man films might be one of the most spot-on comic book casting decisions of all time. So the question at this point is whether the studio will find another actor or lure back Simmons, who also voiced the character for the animated “Ultimate Spider-Man” and “Marvel”s Avengers Assemble”.

Before anyone can hop into the role of Jameson, though, “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” will arrive in theaters on May 2.