Jerry Seinfeld turns 60 today, a fact that blew my mind until I realized, “Oh yeah, 'Seinfeld' began in the '80s.” Never mind. Right on target. Happy birthday to the comedy giant.
To celebrate the big day, a critical thinking question for everybody: Who does the best impression of Seinfeld? Is it Jimmy Fallon, who has probably logged more television hours imitating Seinfeld than any other living comic? Or is it a more surprising choice.
Let's compare some candidates. First, Jimmy, who is certainly dead-on. Seinfeld himself called Fallon the best Seinfeld imitator.
Or is it Gilbert Gottfried, whose ability to change his voice in any way is completely shocking to me:
Don't forget Frank Caliendo, who does a pretty good job imitating the entire 'Seinfeld' cast.
And for the hell of it, here's Larry David's perrrrfffect impression of George Constanza. Julia Louis-Dreyfus' face is priceless.
Am I missing the best candidate? Enclose your selections in the comments.