Megan Fox on ‘TMNT’: ‘A lot of girl power ended up on the cutting room floor’

SAN DIEGO – “I was here for 'Jennifer's Body' where I was a man-eating zombie, and I was here for 'Jonah Hex' where I was a prostitute with a heart of a gold. And April is neither of those things.”

This isn't Megan Fox's first go-round with Comic-Con, and this year, her newest feature role as April O'Neil for the Michael Bay-produced “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” redux seems to resonate with her as an actress.

“[April] is an ambitious journalist that's not making it the way that she wants to be because people underestimate her,” Fox told HitFix, turning on the sarcasm. “I couldn't possibly relate to that.”

Fox has mentioned in the months that have led up to the impending Aug. 8 release date of “TMNT” that her version of April is less sexualized, more “modern” than some previous incarnations. She told us that hers is “a little angsty, not darker, but a little less happy-go-lucky super-sweet damsel-in-distress. Slightly grittier.”

But grittier doesn't mean she's doing a lot of ass-kicking action side-by-side with her turtle friends.

“A lot of girl power ended up on the cutting room floor, unfortunately. I had a really awesome scene where I was fighting The Foot Clan, but I think they were like, 'Why would a tiny journalist be able to kick so much ass?'” she said of the final edit. “So that got cut. But I have a moment, Shredder and I have a moment. Maybe it's badass, you tell me when you see it.”

Watch the rest of the video above for some insight into more of Fox's feelings on the film, on a little of April's backstory, and what her choices are limited to in the flick.