Kevin Spacey and Julia Louis-Dreyfus Switched Bodies. Weird.

Kevin Spacey and Julia Louis-Dreyfus are perfect on their respective series (“House of Cards” and “Veep”), but what happens when they're forced to try on each other's clothes? For one thing, it's terribly creepy. For another thing, it's weird as hell. Lastly, it's hilarious. 

Entertainment Weekly has two new covers where the stars switch roles (and clothes) for our amusement and befuddlement. For starters, here's JLD as Frank Underwood on “House of Cards.”

Cute! Quaint, even. She looks like Katrina Johnson impersonating H. Ross Perot on “All That.” 

Can I finish? Now we must observe Kevin Spacey as Selina Meyer, and his expression alone is insane and impeachment-worthy.

He's really having a good time here. The creepiest part about it is actually the jacket. Tacky, fake Selina, tacky.