Tom Cruise and ‘Top Gun 2′ moving forward with ‘Jungle Book’ screenwriter

(CBR) Maverick is gearing back up for one more flight.

A sequel to “Top Gun” is once again back on the flight deck, after an extended period of radio silence about the project”s development. Plans for “Top Gun 2” seemingly stalled following the 2012 death of original director Tony Scott. Now, buzz is building once again, with The Hollywood Reporter passing along word that Paramount Pictures and Skydance has hired “The Jungle Book” scribe Justin Marks to rewrite the script.

Details on “Top Gun 2” are under wraps, although it”s expected that Tom Cruise will reprise his role as hotshot pilot Maverick. Cruise certainly seemed game to make the movie as recently as 2011, saying in an interview, “If we can find a story that we all want to do, we all want to make a film that is in the same kind of tone as the other one and shoot it in the same way as we shot 'Top Gun'.”