10 stories you might have missed: No ‘Guardians’ and ‘Avengers’ crossover?

In this week's installment of 10 Stories You Might Have Missed: The two-part “Avengers: Infinity War” movie may not have that “Guardians of the Galaxy” crossover you were hoping for.

Plus, we grabbed other stories that flew under the radar: Beyonce has a new short film, Sam Smith dropped a new music video, BBC sets a “Broadchurch” return in 2015, Luke Wilson is up for Cameron Crowe's new cable pilot, Adult Swim renews some of their freshest new shows including “Mike Tyson Mysteries,” “Skull Island” gets a more King Kong-y title, D'Angelo has readied his first new album in 14 years, “Fresh Off the Boat” finds it way onto a Tuesday slot and more.

What did you read this week that stuck out to you? Let us know in the comments, and check out the gallery below.