Mad Ads: ‘SNL’s’ Best Commercial Parodies

The commercial parody: nobody does it better than “Saturday Night Live.”

Over the show's nearly four-decade run it has given us a treasure trove of on-point advertising spoofs, from early classics like “Super Bass-o-matic” and “Jewess Jeans” to recent hits like “Swiftamine” and “Asian-American Doll.” No joke: there are a lot of “SNL” ad parodies – so many that we didn't even try to include every single good one here. Not everyone will agree with the “Best of” list we've compiled, but luckily it's all subjective! Just consider it a roundup of our favorites.

So what didn't make our list? From cereal (“Cracklin' Oat Flakes”) to fast-food (“SubShack”) to toothpaste (“Hedley and Wyche”) to erection preventors (“Suppressex”), there are a huge number of worthy ads that just missed the cut. After scrolling through, let us know what your personal favorites are in the comments.