Patrick Stewart is one of those celebrities who seems so fun and rad that you worry he'll disappoint you someday. Thankfully, that day has not come yet. The venerable actor took to Reddit to promote his new Seth MacFarlane-produced Starz sitcom “Blunt Talk,” and his answers confirm he's cool, delightful, and just as Patrick Stewart-y as we'd imagined. Here are his best answers.
On what he'd ask William Shakespeare:
“My question would be: Prove to me you're William Shakespeare.”
On the most “accidentally funny” thing he's done this week:
“Nothing I do is accidentally funny. It is all pre-meditated and carefully planned and scheduled. And if you steal one of my funny ideas, I WILL sue you.”
On his best interaction with the great Roger Rees:
“Dear Roger Rees saw a preview of my one-man show, A Christmas Carol, and told me I shouldn't act Scrooge. I should simply be him because Scrooge already lived inside me. On how he'd describe the perfect Sunday: If it was immediately followed by another perfect Sunday…and then another…and another.
On his favorite movie costume:
“Great costumes in every film, but I loved my superhero costume and my flying chair in Days of Future Past. The chair actually levitated, but only a few inches.
On his favorite tea:
“Easy. Yorkshire Gold. Any other kind of tea bag needs two bags. By the way, did you know that I am the man who introduced the concept of the double tea bag to the United States. Don't you think that deserves some recognition…A Medal of Honor? And invitation to the White House? Or my own seat on the next space shuttle?”
On his favorite sandwich, which of course involves apples:
“Always, all my life, a favorite, thickly sliced Granny Smith apple on thick, heavily buttered white bread. Very healthy and yummy.”
On when he'd consider recording an audiobook. The last line's the kicker:
“I have done, but many decades ago. I'm afraid it is too labour intensive for the present state of my career. Maybe once I'm in retirement…perish the thought.”
And lastly, when one Reddit user asked, “What's it like being the coolest motherf*cker alive?” he replied, “Sunny, is that you?” Yes, Sunny is his wife.