‘Madea’s Big Family’ brings the big screen debut of Aunt Bam

Tyler Perry’s sixth big screen turn as the feisty and truth-telling Madea in “Madea’s Big Happy Family” has more than its share of funny moments featuring Perry’s drag persona, but it also features the debut of another outspoken character, Aunt Bam.  Played by Cassi Davis, Madea’s sister is just as blunt, but her opinions are, um, tainted by her unabashed love for weed.  That’s right, the Madea franchise has it’s first comic character that might end up being more popular than Perry’s signature role.

HitFix spoke to both Perry and Cassi Davis (as well as Lauren London) about the new comedy (which actually features a nice dramatic turn by Loretta Devine) and the origins of Aunt Bam.  You can watch the two interviews below.

“Madea’s Big Happy Family” is now playing nationwide.