Watch the cast of ‘Seinfeld’ wish a terminally ill fan happy birthday — in character

Several “Seinfeld” cast members staged a virtual reunion for the birthday of a fan with terminal cancer. 

James Calder was about a month away from his 67th birthday when his son, Jim, and Jim's wife decided to try to set up a virtual birthday party for him with friends and family sending in video messages, according to Jim's blog post about it on The Huffington Post. That evolved into inviting actors from James's favorite TV show, “Seinfeld,” to send in their own videos.

John O'Hurley was the first to respond, and did it in character as J Peterman, complete with a long yarn about the native people of Papua New Guinea. Larry Thomas then came through as the Soup Nazi. After that, a smattering of characters from the show submitted videos, from Kenny Bania to Mickey Abbott to Al Roker (as played by Al Roker). Some of the bigger names stepped up, too: Puddy and Newman are there, and hilarious. Jerry Stiller submitted a video but asked that it remain private, and Michael Richards planned to call James on his birthday. Julia Louis-Dreyfus also sent in a video, but not as Elaine. 

Sadly, James passed away a few days before his birthday, but Jim wrote that he showed his father the videos early. You can see them all here (and if you're a true “Seinfeld” fan, you have to. They're great), and donate to the American Cancer Society in James' name here