The buildup to “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is intense and thrilling, but let's be clear: The most intense and thrilling part of this universe is the real-life Carrie Fisher, whose self-possessed wooziness makes her one of pop culture's most sublime entities. She was just on “Good Morning America” chatting about losing weight to play the part of General Leia. She brought her dog. She was electric. She was rad, weird as hell, and right. She awakened America.
I love everything about this interview, namely Carrie's one-liner about resuming her role in the “Star Wars” universe. “I got in character and I've never gotten out again — and really, I've tried everything.” It is pretty hilarious that she's known most for the role of Leia even though she's waaaay more like her characters in “Soapdish” and “Shampoo.” Have you watched “Postcards from the Edge” recently? The Meryl movie based on her novel? It holds up.
And man: Carrie's dog deserves an Academy Award.