Check out the first trailer for Tina Fey’s ‘Whiskey Tango Foxtrot’

Tina Fey's new movie “Sisters” is coming out tomorrow and she'll be co-hosting “Saturday Night Live” this weekend. But just in case you haven't had enough of her, the trailer for her upcoming film “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” was released today. Looks like it'll be a lot of fun, too.

Fey stars as a journalist who takes an assignment in Afghanistan, despite having apparently no experience with the region or war reporting. The movie is based on Kim Barker's book “The Taliban Shuffle,” where she recounted her experience as journalist in the region. Funnily enough, when the New York Times (where Barker now works) reviewed Barker's book in 2011, it said Barker “depicts herself as a sort of Tina Fey character.”

The movie also stars Margot Robbie, Martin Freeman, Billy Bob Thorton, Christopher Abbott, and Alfred Molina — a decidely white cast despite the fact that two of those characters are Afghan. Hmmm.

“Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” comes out March 4, 2016.