HBO sets ‘The Life and Times of Tim’ and ‘Angry Boys’ for December

HBO has announced December premiere dates for the return of “The Life and Times of Tim” and the launch of the new comedy “Angry Boys.”
“Angry Boys” will premiere first, on Monday, December 5. The 12-episode comedy comes from Chris Lilley (“Summer Heights High”) and focuses on the dreams and aspirations of six men, all played by Lilley, making their way in modern society. 
Australian audiences have already seen “Angry Boys” and if the HBO press release is any indication, at least two Down Under newspapers really liked the show.
HBO will then resurrect “The Life and Times of Tim” on Monday, December 19. The acclaimed animated comedy from Steve Dildarian was briefly canceled after its second season, but earned a 10-episode reprieve.
The two comedies are being held off until December because of HBO’s busy slate of summer and fall comedies. The premium cable network is currently airing “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and “Entourage,” with “Hung,” “How To Make It In America,” “Bored to Death” and “Enlightened” all slated for October premieres.