Watch: ‘Real Steel’ star Hugh Jackman talks ‘Wolverine’ sequel, ‘Les Miserables’

When Aussie charmer Hugh Jackman sat down with me over the weekend to discuss his role in the upcoming robot-boxing film “Real Steel” (Drew’s review), I took a moment to ask him about two of his upcoming projects – the James Mangold-directed sequel to “Wolverine” (slated to begin production next summer) and his next film, an adaptation of the Broadway musical “Les Miserables”.

In addition to stating that the character he plays in each film – Logan and Jean Valjean, respectively – are actually quite similar in some ways (we’ll take his word for it), he also told me that his cameo appearance in this summer’s “X-Men: First Class” really “whet his appetite” to return as the adamantium-clawed mutant in another film.

Watch the brief clip above (full interview forthcoming) to see what Mr. Jackman had to say.

“Real Steel” opens next Friday, October 7th.