‘The Lego Batman Movie’ knows you want more fun Batman, releases second teaser in a week

So The Lego Batman Movie cleverly released its first teaser last week, hoping to cash in on the Batman v Superman love or hate, depending on how the movie was received.

Now that audiences have flocked to theaters to see a movie that critics have almost universally panned, we have a second Lego Batman teaser in under a week, and this one might be even more fun that the first.

Will Arnett's Batman is hanging out in Wayne Manor, wearing his robe and Batman mask and looking at pictures of his dead parents. In walks Alfred (voiced by Ralph Fiennes!) to ask if perhaps Batman would like to talk about his feelings. This is met with a fantastic tantrum by Batman that turns into a short beatboxing session. 

There's also a cameo from the Batsuit nipples and the Batman TV series.