Your favorite luck dragon gets a couture transformation in this ‘NeverEnding Story’ dress

Having a luck dragon with you is the only way to go on a quest, and it”s apparently the way to win the fan award at a geek couture fashion show.

A dress inspired by NeverEnding Story“s Falkor graced the runway at The Her Universe Fashion Show last month.

Falkor was crowed the third winner for Her Universe”s 2016 show this afternoon, following the announcement of the other two winners at Comic-Con directly after the show.

In the fashion show”s first two years, two designers walked home winners, one chosen by the judges, one chosen by the audience. This year, with all the geeky, glitzy runway walks airing on new VOD network Comic-Con HQ, a third winner was declared, chosen by fans watching the show at home.

The Falkor dress was designed by Jesse Thaxton, pictured below with her model. Thaxton, along with her two fellow winners, has been awarded a Hot Topic line based on her NeverEnding Story design.

Photo credit: Kelsey Edwards Photography

There”s some gorgeous detailed beading here and even a purse featuring the AURYN medallion.

Admittedly, I am trying really hard right now to not let my brain see this as Falkor caught in a 101 Dalmatians situation. Falkor transformed into a pretty lady, okay?

The audience award went to a dress inspired by the Marauder”s Map from Harry Potter. The judges panel honored a look channeling Mad Max: Fury Road“s Furiosa.

Photo credit: Getty Images

The winners were among the couple dozen designs shown off at the fashion show during Comic-Con. Those fully realized and detailed submissions were created after a sartorially skilled bunch submitted design sketches. From those the 25 finalists were selected.

The docu-series spotlighting The Her Universe Fashion Show and the road to the runway for these designers is now available to watch on Comic-Con HQ. Fangirl fashion line Her Universe is a creation of Ashley Eckstein, known also for voicing Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels.

The Hot Topic collection based on the this year”s winning designs will be on sale in spring of 2017.