After a mostly critically acclaimed opening ceremony under the creative direction of Oscar winner Danny Boyle, the London Olympics ended their sold run with a closing ceremony under the auspices of three-time Academy Award nominee Stephen Daldry (“Billy Elliott,” “The Hours”). Boyle easily had the harder gig as the world always wants to be impressed by an opening ceremonies, but the accomplished Daldry isn’t one to sit on his laurels. How did he do? Well, most viewers just ask for some good performances, short speeches and everyone appearing to have a good time. Daldry and his collaborators decided nothing would be more appropriate than some of the best in British pop music to entertain the crowd including a Spice Girls reunion, Annie Lennox and The Who (also one of the themes from Daldry’s spectacle, but, whatever). To say it was a mixed bag was something of an understatement.
HitFix’s Gregory Ellwood and Liane Bonin watched the live international feed earlier Sunday and have run down the best and worst of Daldry’s endeavor (and boy did it have its ups and downs). Find out what we thought about the show by clicking the gallery embedded in this post.*
*Note, NBC may have edited some of these observations from the U.S. broadcast.
What did you think of London’s closing ceremony? Good? Bad? Share your thoughts below.