Coolest parents ever draw amazing napkin art for their sons’ lunches

(CBR) On a couple of occasions we”ve spotlighted parents who illustrate their children”s lunch bags, but I”m pretty sure this is the first time we”ve seen napkins as canvases: Laughing Squid points us to the Kirbys, who include intricately drawn paper napkins with their sons” `daily lunches, many of which feature comics characters, “Futurama” or “The Simpsons” (and occasionally mash-ups of two of those).

“We make these colored napkins daily for our sons” lunches. They are both in grade school,” the Kirbys explain. “We started these with our first son in first grade, many years ago, and continue to make at least 2 a day (to stay current!). These napkins have become fun to share with their tablemates, classes, and teachers. These images are typically ink on white napkins. Some napkins have been for friends or differing occasions.”

Check out some of the comics-themed drawings below, and many, many more on their blog.