Kellyanne Conway Does A Victory Lap And Shares Details Of Hillary And Obama’s ‘Warm’ Phone Calls To Trump

It looks like Kellyanne Conway won’t be receiving a day off for quite some time. After one nail-biter of an evening, the American people have spoken. Donald Trump will be president. On Wednesday, Conway hit the ground running and accepted congratulations for a job well done, which may have a slight downside. On one hand, Conway achieved the impossible by spinning an unruly candidate to the ultimate victory. On the other, Conway’s “day job” as a pollster sorta took a hit because, obviously, the polls got things wrong.

In the above video, Conway told CNN’s New Day that Clinton’s concession call to Trump was a very positive one:

“My phone rang, it said Huma Abedin, I had a nice exchange with Huma, whom I respect very much, and she said Secretary Clinton would like to talk to Mr. Trump so I handed him the phone and they had a one-minute conversation, very gracious, warm, I heard Mr. Trump’s side of it, he commended her for being very smart and tough and running a very hard-fought campaign and I am told Secretary Clinton congratulated Donald Trump on his victory and conceded to him.”

While also visiting with Savanna Guthrie and Matt Lauer on Today, Conway revealed how President Obama phoned Donald trump during his victory speech, which saw him promise to heal an undeniably divided nation. Trump quickly returned the call, which Conway revealed lasted into the “wee hours” of Wednesday morning. The two men apparently had a “cordial” talk and planned to meet on Thursday. (Obama is also expected to address the nation at 12:15pm EST.)

Also on CNN’s New Day, Clinton evaded questions about Trump’s previous promise to appoint a special prosecutor to take on Clinton after his win. Will the threat take effect, or will Trump drop it?

Finally, Conway hit up Fox & Friends. She spoke of how how Trump stayed “humble” all evening until his victory appeared close. She also feels that election gives people “hope” for the future. And, almost hilariously, she bashed pollsters and exit polls in general. Perhaps we’ll soon see an announcement of Conway leaving her business for the White House too.