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Trump made his choice for Secretary of State official today, choosing ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as his man and leaving Mitt Romney to tug his red wagon home once again to sleep off another public embarrassment. The main thing that immediately sticks out about Tillerson, apart from his ties to an oil industry that is very anti-climate change, is his friendly relationship with Russia and Vladimir Putin.
That’s likely not a comforting thought given all the talk about Russia’s alleged hacking of the DNC and how it affected Election 2016 — sending it in Trump’s favor. Trump might be their man in D.C. in some manner and his choice for State might send a shiver or two down some spines in Washington. When you receive the Order of Friendship award from Russia and have a potential $500 billion deal that is being held up thanks to sanctions, people raise a few eyebrows. This is especially important when you’ve just been selected to be Secretary of State.
But the good part of this choice is that ExxonMobil apparently has an intelligence and research department that rivals America’s own set-up, with a reach that basically spans the entire globe. So yes, Tillerson might be an odd choice with no government experience, but he does seem to have more experience than you’d expect. It isn’t enough to make this comfortable choice, but it is better than giving the job to someone you just met off the street.
(Via The Daily Show)