Mark Hamill Gives The President-Elect’s Odd New Year’s Tweet A Joker Makeover

Getty Image / Warner Bros.

Right before he departed to his Palm Springs den of luxury for a New Year’s Eve party featuring both Stallone brothers and apparently a convicted felon with possible mob ties, Donald Trump had to close out 2016 doing what he does best: posting tweets. With his NYE tweet, the president-elect took aim at all of his enemies and people who attempting to beat him but couldn’t in the year that preceded.

It was a message that Matt Oswalt called something the Joker would post while replying to Trump, something that must’ve hit a chord with The Joker himself. I say that because Mark Hamill took up doing what Billy West and many others have done this campaign and recorded the Donald’s tweet in his iconic Joker voice.

If you’re going to react or post a reply to a Donald Trump tweet, you can at least attempt to reach this bar. Mark Hamill has done some classic work here by actually bringing the tweet to life and giving people a slight laugh by turning the trolling on itself. I still lean towards enjoying West’s Zapp Brannigan reading Trump’s best lines — mostly because some Doctor Zoidberg makes its way in there to represent Trump’s crazy doctor — but I’ll take any excuse for Hamill to bring out The Joker.