‘The Daily Show’ Went Ahead And Gave Trump’s ‘Golden Shower’ Allegations Their Own James Bond Opening

If you thought The Daily Show wasn’t going to take a shot at Donald Trump over the allegations made in that unverified intel report on his relationship with Russia, you weren’t paying attention before the election. They spent an entire episode mocking the future if Trump walked away with a victory in the election — which he did, which makes you wonder where that goes now — so it’s only fitting they’d do something special for #GoldenShowerGate.

I’m sure somebody made a mention about the James Bond connections with this scandal, with cameras hidden in hotel rooms and MI6 agents leaking details to the United States before it is too late. But now The Daily Show has given us a fitting intro to the controversy that introduces the players and gives Trump his chance to play the iconic spy. It’s a fine way to kick off their segment on the fiasco that followed the release of the docs, with some mention of President Obama’s speech thrown in for good measure.

The funniest bit is when Noah claims he got a phone call from home after the news went global, forcing him to explain what a golden shower was to his uncle. A lot of people likely had to explain a golden shower to their loved ones this morning, but it was likely a little worse for the folks who didn’t have to explain it to their parents and grandparents. It’s something that’s sure to keep therapists in business for the next few years.

(Via The Daily Show)