Donald Trump Plans To Take The Weekend Off After Inauguration And Begin Working On Monday

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President-elect Donald Trump has been hard at work for weeks while obsessing over inaugural tablecloths, according to Committee Chair Tom Barrack. Yet in his first act as president, Donald Trump will be taking the weekend off, according to The Hill and Times of London. Trump considers Monday, January 23 to be his administration’s first day, and he’s gonna kick back over the weekend.

It’s been a harrowing few months for the president-elect, as a hearty campaign and election season can take the wind out of anyone’s sails. So, it’s understandable that Trump wants some R&R before running the free world. But being president is a 24/7 job, as anyone who’s filled the position will attest. Trump’s main reasoning to start fresh at the beginning of the week is because he doesn’t want to get business mixed up with pleasure:

“[Day] one — which I will consider to Monday as opposed to Friday or Saturday. Right? I mean my day one is gonna be Monday because I don’t want to be signing and get it mixed up with lots of celebration.”

Sounds like Trump has a rager planned, but it also highlights how the Trump administration is a bit behind schedule. Reconfiguring his schedule is one thing, but Trump was adamant he would hit the ground running January 20, and there are reports that his transition team could use a few more days before being set.

Yes, people mocked him for wanting to take a breather before entering office:

Maybe Mike Pence can hold down the fort until Trump makes his way back to Washington, D.C.

(Via The Hill)