Trump’s Reportedly Considering An Order To Deport Immigrants Who Receive Any Form Of Public Assistance

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Donald Trump’s reportedly mulling some executive orders that would deport immigrants who either receive public assistance or are deemed likely to do so in the future. These would act as supplements to Trump’s existing orders on immigration, including his most notorious order yet — the ban on refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries. Another one targets sanctuary cities by revoking federal funding if these areas won’t drop their status.

The Washington Post now publishes the next generation of the immigration agenda, which takes the form of two drafts that Trump’s considering signing. The first order would focus upon identifying and deporting immigrants who receive any form of public benefits (or may do so in the future). The second order will place severe restrictions on which visa holders can join the U.S. workforce. Essentially, removing public benefits and jobs for both illegal and legal immigrants would curb most immigration, yes? Here are more details:

The administration would be seeking to “deny admission to any alien who is likely to become a public charge” and to develop standards for “determining whether an alien is deportable . . . for having become a public charge within five years of entry” — receiving a certain amount of public assistance, including food stamps, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Medicaid.

The second order, titled “Executive Order on Protecting American Jobs and Workers by Strengthening the Integrity of Foreign Worker Visa Programs” calls for “eliminating” the “jobs magnet” that is driving illegal immigration to the United States, according to a copy obtained by The Post. The order would rescind any work visa provisions for foreign nationals found not to be in “the national interest” or found to be in violation of U.S. immigration laws.

These orders put Trump’s America-first agenda on full display as well as his promise to prioritize U.S. citizens for jobs. In addition, the drafts pay lip service to what conservatives refer to as the “birth tourism phenomenon,” which would seek to prohibit noncitizens from giving birth in the United States (to obtain citizenship for the children). The orders would require the State Department and Homeland Security to produce reports on the subject, although there’s no stated method for how Trump plans to deal with what WaPo notes as “a relatively minor problem.”

Vox has backed up this report by revealing that they received drafts that were remarkably similar to what WaPo has published, which characterize immigrants as thieves without using that exact term. There’s no known date when Trump may plan to sign these orders, which are much more extreme than existing restrictions. Currently, the feds weigh immigrants’ use of any cash benefits but don’t take into account health-related benefits like Medicaid or the equivalent for children. Trump’s orders would prohibit any immigrant who is deemed likely to use any of public benefits at all. This would include free school lunches for any children who are U.S. citizens with one or more undocumented immigrant parents.

The Washington Post quotes an immigration expert named Angela Maria Kelly, who states, “[Trump’s] loaded his anti-immigrant Uzi and is firing off another round.” Dang.

(Via Washington Post & Vox)