Trump Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch Founded A ‘Fascism Forever’ Club While In Prep School

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In the days since Donald Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch as his pick for the Supreme Court, the public has been scrambling to learn more about the 49-year-old conservative Denver 10th Circuit Court of Appeals justice, who we know has a pro-life, religious background. Now, the Daily Mail has discovered a particularly interesting piece of Gorsuch’s history, as his high school yearbook reveals that he was the founder and president of a “Fascism Forever” club at Georgetown Preparatory, the elite all-boys prep school he attended as a youth just outside of Washington D.C.

The club was apparently an anti-faculty student group that was started to battle the liberal views of the school administration, which was described in the yearbook by saying, “In political circles, our tireless President Gorsuch’s Fascism Forever Club happily jerked its knees against the increasingly ‘left-wing’ tendencies of the faculty.”

Other sections of the yearbook revealed additional tidbits about Gorsuch’s time at Georgetown Prep:

One yearbook photo showed the high school senior kicking back in a chair in a button-down shirt and tie while reading William F. Buckley’s 1959 book ‘Up from Liberalism’, a key text of the conservative movement.

He listed his other student activities as ‘President of the Yard, Student Government’ and ‘Lousy Spanish Student.’ He said he was also president of a group called the ‘Committee to reform The Beast.’ His senior quote was: ‘I am not an alkie; I never wrote a debate case!’

Of course, this is particularity troubling given all of the fascist comparisons that have been made to Donald Trump and his administration. This fact was not lost on Twitter, as “Fascism Forever” began trending Thursday morning.

Trump is encouraging Senate Republicans to invoke a nuclear option, preventing Democrats from using a filibuster should they attempt to block Gorsuch.

(Via The Daily Mail)