The Internet Hasn’t Forgotten About Michael Flynn’s GOP Convention Speech: ‘If I Did A Tenth Of What (Hillary) Did, I Would Be In Jail’

On Monday night, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s resigned (after a few weeks on the job) amid mounting reports that he was vulnerable to Russian blackmail. In the harsh daylight, Trump Counselor Kellyanne Conway spinned some gibberish to try and Make America Forget Again, but no such luck. Folks are remembering a lot, including Flynn’s GOP Convention speech, which is a real doozy in retrospect.

The Huffington Post’s Yashar Ali tweeted the relevant segment, which has gone viral. During the speech — at about 1:45 — he rails against Hillary Clinton and chants with the audience:

“Lock her up, that’s right! Damn right, exactly right … And you know why we’re saying that? We’re saying that because, if I, a guy who knows this business, if I did a tenth of what (Hillary) did, I would be in jail today.”

As telling (and chilling) as this segment is, it must be noted that Flynn hasn’t been charged with illegal activity for his alleged misconduct. Although he may have violated the Logan Act (a 1799 U.S. federal law that bars citizens from negotiating with foreign powers who have a beef with the U.S.), no one has ever been prosecuted under this law.

However, Flynn may face legal consequences for related actions, including misleading Mike Pence and lying to the FBI about his phone calls with a Russian ambassador. Currently, some Republican senators are demanding an investigation into Flynn’s actions while the House Oversight Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz says he won’t dig in: “It’s taking care of itself.”

Well, Flynn’s GOP convention speech has taken care of a few things as well. Mainly, it makes Flynn look even worse than he already does.