Arnold Schwarzenegger Thinks His Feud With Donald Trump Is Because Trump Is ‘In Love’ With Him

Is it the muscles? It’s probably the muscles, right?

Arnold Schwarzenegger seems to think he’s figured out why Donald Trump continues to spar with him in the public eye, and it’s a pretty out there theory. But at this point in this ongoing feud between two people who used to host The Apprentice to varying degrees of success (and who have also been politicians to varying degrees of success), any reason could be the motivation behind this endless circus. While on The Michael Smerconish Program recently, Schwarzenegger was asked why Trump is so obsessed with him and keeping the feud going. Especially since Trump is now the President of the United States. In response, Arnold said,

“I think he’s in love with me. Yeah, I think so.”

This fighting has gone through threats of violence and backtracking of said threats, some serious shade throwing, calling each other out on Twitter and at aprayer breakfast, and just all out mockery at every turn.

This latest shot across the bow is sure to leave Donald Trump overjoyed if and when he hears it. At this point, Schwarzenegger is the more entertaining half of this spat since Trump mostly keep things to all-caps tweets. Maybe this will be a bullet point at Sean Spicer’s next on-camera briefing.

Listen to the full interview below and think of your own theories for why Arnold and Donald just can’t be friends.