Behold These Not Even Remotely Fully Operational AT-ATs At Disneyland

By the end of 2019, the Star Wars galaxy will have moved from long ago and far away to a presently available and moderately close. Both Disneyland in California and Hollywood Studios at Disney World in Florida are currently undergoing massive renovations, converting sections of the parks into Star Wars-themed areas.

The problem with ongoing construction at an open theme park though is that just about every guest has a cell phone. Some of the more enterprising ones even have drones. Not to mention satellite imaging. So unless Disney wants to drape the entire building site under tarps, fans are going to have a pretty good idea of what they’re building. Things like giant AT-ATs.

After a photo from Disneyland began circulating earlier this week, someone at Disney made the decision that if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. The video above confirms at least two of the Empire vehicles are being constructed for the West Coast version of Star Wars Land. The video also draws attention away from the fact that the original photo also clearly shows the body of several AT-ST (chicken walkers) in the forefront. Nice try, marketing department but we will not be so easily distracted!

[Via Oh My Disney]