Sally Yates Has Been Scheduled By The Senate To Testify About Russian Election Interference

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After Sally Yates was fired as acting attorney general for (temporarily) halting President Trump’s immigration ban, the administration attempted to block her testimony in Congress’ Russia investigation. After being invited to testify in front of the House Intelligence Committee after Devin Nunes’ recusal, Yates is now scheduled to testify in the Senate’s judiciary investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 Presidential election.

The Senate Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, led by Lindsey Graham, will hear Yates’ testimony on May 8.

Congressman Devin Nunes canceled a scheduled hearing in March where Yates was expected to testify about possibly illicit communications between former national security adviser Michael Flynn and Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak. Nunes’ action landed him the subject of a House ethics investigation as well as being forced to step down from leading the Russia investigation.

The House and Senate investigations into Russia’s meddling in the elections have progressed at a glacial pace, with Senate Democrats publicly complaining about the lack of movement and politicians on both sides of the aisles hearing it from constituents during townhall meetings.

The House investigation appears to be further along, though, as Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz, current head of the House Oversight Committee, told reporters Tuesday that it sure does look like Mike Flynn broke the law.

(Via CNN)