‘SNL’ And Slav D Give Us The Porn Addiction Minded World Peace Anthem We’ve Desperately Needed

Slav D has three things he cares about above all else: Rap icons, world peace and breaking away from his crippling porn addiction demons. Thankfully for this violence plagued sh*t-caked rock called Earth, he’s elected to bless us with a thoughtful anthem combining the three.

Last night’s Chris Pine hosted Saturday Night Live featured Beck Bennett as the leather jacket sporting rapper Slav D. On “Song For Peace” Slav D shares his observations about the injustice going on in the world today while his compatriot Kyle Mooney pipes up from time to time and Chris Pine belts out the dramatic hook. The message is clear even if a good chunk of the lyrics are lost in translation.

“Martin Luther King,” notes Slav D while reflecting in a cheap music video graveyard. “He did the march. You have my respect. Let’s go.”

Slav D’s heartfelt plea to end violence slowly gets sidetracked by his crippling pornography addiction in what’s an eerily catchy tune. (Consider nestling “Song For Peace” next to Lorde on your summer playlists.) Full points to Bennett for making this guy someone you want to root for in their quest to break free of sex images AND end a cycle of greed.